Thursday, October 20, 2011

Вы отказываетесь?..... NEW WEB BOT ARTICLE

... If only a small number of humans had the habit of right action, the universe would tremble in anticipation of our accomplishments.

The future habit starts with the first refusal. The first time you put your self, your ego, and potentially your body at risk, and refuse. That is all it takes.

The greatest warriors on the planet, those men who directed the birth of nations, and whose tactics stood the test of time, knew that not all of humans are born to fight, but all humans have will...which can be focused into intent. Then all you need ask of them is that they take only one step, to refuse. And thus modern India was wrested, firmly, inevitably, from the scaly grip of that notorious criminal gang, the 'british crown'. By mass refusal to accept a british crown as anything more than some uppity islanders thinking mighty highly of themselves and attempting to impose that view on everyone else.

Refusal need only extend to NOT giving money or energy to 'governments' whose primary goal is your enslavement....

 read the whole article...

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